PV produces electricity directly with a technology that is robust, simple, modular, and consistently decreasing in price as production capacity around the world increases. Technologies include flat-plate […]
MES provides standardized workflows to operators to ensure the highest possible production quality and regulatory compliance. It offers standard application library suites for common functions in […]
ECS is specifically used to connect real-time systems with transaction-based applications. It is developed to meet the demand for integrating plant data, shop floor applications and […]
DCIM systems provide coordinated controls to securely automate and manage workflow and physical infrastructure, for continuously optimizing data center operations to the highest levels of performance. […]
Distributed Control Systems (DCS) delivers the highest levels of performance and flexibility combined with availability standards that meet the most demanding requirements. DCS solutions are configured […]
PLC offers individual solutions for each application using PLCs. This enables an operator at any time to have an overview of a profitable production and intervene […]
Health and safety matters not only to us and our workers, but also to our clients. In a business like ours, we live with the effects of our work on health and safety every day, which is why we believe in operating in a safe and responsible way. At Pac, we are committed to providing and maintaining safe and healthy working conditions, equipment systems of work for all our employees and to provide such information, training and supervision as they require for this purpose.